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Tag Archives: voice changer

Skype Voice Changer

Skype Voice Changer is a cute program for Skype users. It can flexibly alternate your voice pitch between male and female in the Skype call, and send funny sound emotions to your contacts. It can also record Skype calls including your changed voice.

AV VoizGame

AV VoizGame is a voice chat tool that changes your voice to various character voices, both male and female, for play in online games. The software is compatible with many chat clients, including Ventrilo, Teamspeak, etc., and games like WoW, MU, etc.

Voxal Plus Edition

Voxal Plus Edition is a state of the art voice changer software to edit and add effects to voice recordings. You can also change your voice in real time as you talk into the microphone on your Windows PC.